Black history month is coming to an end but I can NEVER forget something Booker T said about provoking change!
HE said "If you want things changed..AGITATE,AGITATE, AGITATE!!"
Don't stop, stay persistent and see the results:)
Glimmering Hope is a written expression of thoughts I feel can help everyone. By giving hope, faith is developed and when you have faith the things you desire come true!! Sometimes all we need is just a glimmer of hope to get through!
Black history month is coming to an end but I can NEVER forget something Booker T said about provoking change!
HE said "If you want things changed..AGITATE,AGITATE, AGITATE!!"
Don't stop, stay persistent and see the results:)
NYC weather forecast showed 100% chance of percipitation today and I was finishing up my castings and around 1:30 it started to lightly drizzle. I got off the bus and put my umbrella up instantly.
The walk home from the stop is about 3 minutes and after 1 minute I realized that tho the ground was wet and it HAD BEEN raining it WAS NOT raining anymore. I put my umbrella down and there was not 1 drop of rain on it.
Sometimes we walk around like its raining when if we open our eyes and look around we will realize it is NOT RAINING ANYMORE!!
Love you all,
No matter how much failure, no matter how many dissapointments and let downs. Don’t focus on the negatives...let go of the past and keep moving forward!
Its never to late to ask for help and/or implement a new plan!!
You can do it!!!!!!!!!
Love you all
This past Tuesday I started to tackle one of my dreams and part of conquering it required "sessions"
My first session the teacher was so great and tho I had the option of finishing the course in 6 days, I almost decided to draw it out over weeks JUST so I could have him again......BUT I forced myself to go the next day AND I’m glad I did!
The teacher the next day was NOT only BETTER but also became an important referall for my future endeavors!
What I’m saying is don’t get so comfortable now that you don’t get up and go forward to the next thing because you could have something BETTER than you think!
I know, I know, you love him BUT remember when it comes to time-you never know how much you keep moving forward!!
Love you all,
Channy Chan!
Emotions are designed to move you to do and say certain things BUT sometimes we must learn to close our mouths and BE STILL!
Timing is everything and if you can learn that you can control your emotions and take authority over your situation you can be VICTORIOUS at every turn!
When someone hurts you, when they reject you, when you feel let down BE STILL and know who you are and whose you are! No one can snuff the light out inside of you w/out your permission!
Stay positive, remain hopeful, BE STILL and remember who you are!
Love you all,
School days--you learn and learn and learn, but after the learning is done there comes the day when everything you've learned is challenged
You have a TEST!
In life when you learn new things especially those positive and important to succeeding, know that you will be TESTED to see if you fully get it!
Don't be afraid, you know the answers and if you fail the test, learn from your mistake and should you get a re-do you are sure to pass!
Love you all,