Today I put together some more dots of this puzzle we call life!!So I must share (remember to leave ur comments under this blog on my page)!!
I do NOT fear ANYTHING!!!
Because I am secure in the promise given to me by my Maker. I have whole heartedly rest assurred in his word and believe it to be the TRUTH!!
Why do you worry?Why do you cry?Why do you care about that girl/guy you love so much and why they aren't treating you right?Or that girl/guy hating on you?Or that person who intimidates you at work?
Don't be deceived, it is a trick!!
It is nothing but fear trying to stall you from continuing on in your destiny!!
I know I will be granted the desires of my heart;therefore, I do not fear or worry!
Do you?
I love you,
Channing Andreya
Glimmering Hope is a written expression of thoughts I feel can help everyone. By giving hope, faith is developed and when you have faith the things you desire come true!! Sometimes all we need is just a glimmer of hope to get through!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
5/23/06 What goes around comes around HARD
Okay, so I'm not going to name names b/c the world is too small but this is sooooooo crazy!!!
If there's one thing I learned it's not to seek revenge or have evil wishes towards anyone. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around!
It's crazy b/c a few years ago I dated this guy for over a year and everyone knew that was my main guy...that I liked him a lot and was just mush when it came to him like a 5 yr. old.
To make a long story short, a friend of mine who was close to me went under me and talked to him during the summer after, I found out and was so hurt I couldn't be mad.
One of my fav proverbs says when your enemies fall you will see it.
I never wanted this to happen to her but she went through some terrible, brutal things with the guy she loves and he did some things to her no man should do, and I found out.
I felt sorry for her but at the same time she planted that seed and has received her harvest.
WATCH what you do to others people, it will come back HARD!!!!
I tell ya cuz I love ya'
Love~Channing Andreya
If there's one thing I learned it's not to seek revenge or have evil wishes towards anyone. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around!
It's crazy b/c a few years ago I dated this guy for over a year and everyone knew that was my main guy...that I liked him a lot and was just mush when it came to him like a 5 yr. old.
To make a long story short, a friend of mine who was close to me went under me and talked to him during the summer after, I found out and was so hurt I couldn't be mad.
One of my fav proverbs says when your enemies fall you will see it.
I never wanted this to happen to her but she went through some terrible, brutal things with the guy she loves and he did some things to her no man should do, and I found out.
I felt sorry for her but at the same time she planted that seed and has received her harvest.
WATCH what you do to others people, it will come back HARD!!!!
I tell ya cuz I love ya'
Love~Channing Andreya
5/22/06 To get you through...a few tips!!!
1.As long as you're going through something that means you will come out of it..hence "going through".
2.What is meant to be MAY be..contrary to popular belief your actions or lack thereof CAN and WILL stall what was meant to be if you allow it..
for ex. if you have a great voice and are called to sing, but can't stop drinking, become a junkie and die from throat cancer (which my uncle did) you controlled that....that was not your purpose or what was "meant to be" (BUT b/c of YOUR action..for every action there's a reaction) you never saw your dreams come into existence!!!!!
3.Don't wish to be/have what is anyone else's. You don't know what they went through to get there or what they had to do to get just see the glory and not the GORY!!
4.Never compare what!!Who cares what so and so is doing or so and so's car,house, clothes or boyfriend?!!
What was such an eyeopener to me was when 2 girls were fighting over a man and one said to the other.He was mine you stole him, that was suppossed to be my house, my kids" His wife said..."Fine take him and his AIDs he gave me!"
**Makes you think twice huh??**Bottomline, never compare or be distracted by others in your journey for what you have to do..stay focused and stay safe!!
In due season your harvest will come!!
Most of all if you read this let me know you did and what you think..I feel like I'm talking to myself again!!
Love all of you,Channing!!!!!!!
2.What is meant to be MAY be..contrary to popular belief your actions or lack thereof CAN and WILL stall what was meant to be if you allow it..
for ex. if you have a great voice and are called to sing, but can't stop drinking, become a junkie and die from throat cancer (which my uncle did) you controlled that....that was not your purpose or what was "meant to be" (BUT b/c of YOUR action..for every action there's a reaction) you never saw your dreams come into existence!!!!!
3.Don't wish to be/have what is anyone else's. You don't know what they went through to get there or what they had to do to get just see the glory and not the GORY!!
4.Never compare what!!Who cares what so and so is doing or so and so's car,house, clothes or boyfriend?!!
What was such an eyeopener to me was when 2 girls were fighting over a man and one said to the other.He was mine you stole him, that was suppossed to be my house, my kids" His wife said..."Fine take him and his AIDs he gave me!"
**Makes you think twice huh??**Bottomline, never compare or be distracted by others in your journey for what you have to do..stay focused and stay safe!!
In due season your harvest will come!!
Most of all if you read this let me know you did and what you think..I feel like I'm talking to myself again!!
Love all of you,Channing!!!!!!!
5/16/06 "Gone with the Wind"
What a great movie!!Really!!!It reminded me of a lot of my friends:)So selfish--hehe--sorry. Anyways, I was just writing b/c I have finally found out that you can have joy in the midst of a storm. Whether you're happy or sad, joy is something that stays--happiness comes and goes but joy is a gift that will never go away. I still have joy!!(The old school
Sooooooo, the thought for the day is to walk in your calling, and don't let fear cripple you--that's like a life motto--not only that but watch the people you listen to/take advice from--if they're not where you wanna be or headed where you wanna go--don't listen!!My favorite called me yesterday and told me (we were talkin about industry stuff), "Did you tell him your name was Channing Andreya?And that's what makes you you?"I thought wow!!Everyday I start to realize more and more who i am and when you know who you are everyone else knows it too...any way just a thought. I stand 6'3" in heels--I don't SLUMPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!Whooo whoo!!Sorry..I'm a little excited today!!
I LOVE YOU ALL............Channing Andreya
Sooooooo, the thought for the day is to walk in your calling, and don't let fear cripple you--that's like a life motto--not only that but watch the people you listen to/take advice from--if they're not where you wanna be or headed where you wanna go--don't listen!!My favorite called me yesterday and told me (we were talkin about industry stuff), "Did you tell him your name was Channing Andreya?And that's what makes you you?"I thought wow!!Everyday I start to realize more and more who i am and when you know who you are everyone else knows it too...any way just a thought. I stand 6'3" in heels--I don't SLUMPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!Whooo whoo!!Sorry..I'm a little excited today!!
I LOVE YOU ALL............Channing Andreya
5/9/06 You make my eyes feel good...
I just got back home from going downtown with my friend and this guy comes up to me and asks me if I am a model then tells me I make his eyes feel good
And once again this simple statement prompted a deep thought--after the man left and my friend and I laughed another homeless man told us we looked beautiful and to tell our husbands or fiances they are blessed to have us as their women
It made me think---yes beauty can come in many forms but beauty on the inside shows and SHOULD be appreciated
If you're with a man who can not see your true beauty or only wants his eyes to feel good--leave!!You have so much to offer and as a woman who truly is a blessing to a man, you should be with a man that respects you and treats you like a queen at all times
Make no excuse for a man that is "yours" or that "loves you more than anything in the world" if he truly loves you he will acknowledge his blessing, understand what you need, and most of all be there for you--respecting you and loving you like he loves himself (valuable things don't get abandoned they are treasured--you know, like jewels?--And you're a jewel:)
Anyways ladies hold ya head!!Sorry this one was long but anyways--just another thought
I love you~Channing Andreya
And once again this simple statement prompted a deep thought--after the man left and my friend and I laughed another homeless man told us we looked beautiful and to tell our husbands or fiances they are blessed to have us as their women
It made me think---yes beauty can come in many forms but beauty on the inside shows and SHOULD be appreciated
If you're with a man who can not see your true beauty or only wants his eyes to feel good--leave!!You have so much to offer and as a woman who truly is a blessing to a man, you should be with a man that respects you and treats you like a queen at all times
Make no excuse for a man that is "yours" or that "loves you more than anything in the world" if he truly loves you he will acknowledge his blessing, understand what you need, and most of all be there for you--respecting you and loving you like he loves himself (valuable things don't get abandoned they are treasured--you know, like jewels?--And you're a jewel:)
Anyways ladies hold ya head!!Sorry this one was long but anyways--just another thought
I love you~Channing Andreya
5/2/06 Do you know who you are?
Okay so here's another deep thought of mine!!
Today I talked to two of my BEAUTIFUL friends and I found out we all have one thing in common--we have a heart!!
The advice I gave to one of my friends after hearing her cry (literally) about how nice people always come last was...
What goes around comes around and (after someone told her being a whore and having no feelings was the solution to her problems) everyone will get what they deserve at the end of the day
To every woman or man crying or hurting inside, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart---there is no reason for your tears--you did nothing wrong!You are precious and priceless and called to this Earth for a reason
Do you not realize who you are? (Look in the mirror!)Are you garbage?trash?NO!!You are a human being with a purpose!!!For someone to say they KNOW YOU is a gift:)BOTTOMLINE!!!!!!!
At the end of the day, everyone will get their payback
The thing is it's not the end of the long as you do no wrong YOU should not be the one cryin or worrying---
I love you~Channing Andreya
Today I talked to two of my BEAUTIFUL friends and I found out we all have one thing in common--we have a heart!!
The advice I gave to one of my friends after hearing her cry (literally) about how nice people always come last was...
What goes around comes around and (after someone told her being a whore and having no feelings was the solution to her problems) everyone will get what they deserve at the end of the day
To every woman or man crying or hurting inside, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart---there is no reason for your tears--you did nothing wrong!You are precious and priceless and called to this Earth for a reason
Do you not realize who you are? (Look in the mirror!)Are you garbage?trash?NO!!You are a human being with a purpose!!!For someone to say they KNOW YOU is a gift:)BOTTOMLINE!!!!!!!
At the end of the day, everyone will get their payback
The thing is it's not the end of the long as you do no wrong YOU should not be the one cryin or worrying---
I love you~Channing Andreya
4/19/06 The way people are WHY??
Today and last night I came to realize that everyone goes through things in life that causes them to react in situations the way they do.
People, try to understand why people say the things they say and react the way they react before getting angry and judgemental
ask why.....everyone has come out of some situation in life or no situations at all..
no 2 people are alike regardless of the situation sit back and look at the BIG picture,then speak,the reason why people act in certain ways may make you ashamed of talking bad about them...
no matter what situation you're in, it could be worse---if you're reading this--you're blessed simply b/c you can read!!
Just another deep thought:)
I love all of you and I hope all is well with everyone
People, try to understand why people say the things they say and react the way they react before getting angry and judgemental
ask why.....everyone has come out of some situation in life or no situations at all..
no 2 people are alike regardless of the situation sit back and look at the BIG picture,then speak,the reason why people act in certain ways may make you ashamed of talking bad about them...
no matter what situation you're in, it could be worse---if you're reading this--you're blessed simply b/c you can read!!
Just another deep thought:)
I love all of you and I hope all is well with everyone
4/12/06 Modeling 101
My friends and I get a lot oif e-mails asking about how to get in. !st of all ask yourself why you want to model?Can you handle rejection?can you handle being away from loved ones and traveling a lot?Then comes research.What type of modeling do you want to do, what are the standards for the type you choose?
Next you need to understand that your body is your business-LITERALLY.How you look,dress,walk,talk-perfect that and get your image tight.After that look for photographers through sites like myspace, ask other models, use,, google them and ask if they offer tests.
After you get your pics you can also use the internet to find reputable agencies in your area-sites such as doing this you can either call and go to open calls or send in your pictures.
No matter what understand that just because you don't get at job right at the moment doesn't mean you aren't beautiful.Modeling is all about timing and fashion goes in cycles-an agency may reject you now but in 4 months you might be hot stuff!!So keep trying--that's just the basics!If you get that-you'll be okay.
AND LADIES do not sleep with photographers or let them molest you for pictures!IT"S NOT WORTH IT!!DON'T BE SCARED TO SAY NO!!!At the end of the day you need to be happy and comfortable:)
Next you need to understand that your body is your business-LITERALLY.How you look,dress,walk,talk-perfect that and get your image tight.After that look for photographers through sites like myspace, ask other models, use,, google them and ask if they offer tests.
After you get your pics you can also use the internet to find reputable agencies in your area-sites such as doing this you can either call and go to open calls or send in your pictures.
No matter what understand that just because you don't get at job right at the moment doesn't mean you aren't beautiful.Modeling is all about timing and fashion goes in cycles-an agency may reject you now but in 4 months you might be hot stuff!!So keep trying--that's just the basics!If you get that-you'll be okay.
AND LADIES do not sleep with photographers or let them molest you for pictures!IT"S NOT WORTH IT!!DON'T BE SCARED TO SAY NO!!!At the end of the day you need to be happy and comfortable:)
Over the next few days
I will be posting archive blogs from my myspace page in order to transfer all my blogs before shutting down my myspace.
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
I know it's been a while I apologize I hate blogging from my new phone and am rarely on a computer, anyway jumping right to it!
I was speaking to a friend of mine today while starting a day of castings and we were having a convo about a friend of ours who happens to be doing VERY VERY well!
I told my friend, I didn't know he was doing it like that, he was just in college a few years ago. He replied, "yeah. but he focused on one thing and perfected that trade"
It made me think....are you saying you want to do something and doing everything possible to perfect what you're doing to get it all the way right and in a way no one else can? Or are you half doing and just talking?
Time to stop talking and start walking!
Work hard and your dreams will come true!!
I was speaking to a friend of mine today while starting a day of castings and we were having a convo about a friend of ours who happens to be doing VERY VERY well!
I told my friend, I didn't know he was doing it like that, he was just in college a few years ago. He replied, "yeah. but he focused on one thing and perfected that trade"
It made me think....are you saying you want to do something and doing everything possible to perfect what you're doing to get it all the way right and in a way no one else can? Or are you half doing and just talking?
Time to stop talking and start walking!
Work hard and your dreams will come true!!
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