My friends and I get a lot oif e-mails asking about how to get in. !st of all ask yourself why you want to model?Can you handle rejection?can you handle being away from loved ones and traveling a lot?Then comes research.What type of modeling do you want to do, what are the standards for the type you choose?
Next you need to understand that your body is your business-LITERALLY.How you look,dress,walk,talk-perfect that and get your image tight.After that look for photographers through sites like myspace, ask other models, use,, google them and ask if they offer tests.
After you get your pics you can also use the internet to find reputable agencies in your area-sites such as doing this you can either call and go to open calls or send in your pictures.
No matter what understand that just because you don't get at job right at the moment doesn't mean you aren't beautiful.Modeling is all about timing and fashion goes in cycles-an agency may reject you now but in 4 months you might be hot stuff!!So keep trying--that's just the basics!If you get that-you'll be okay.
AND LADIES do not sleep with photographers or let them molest you for pictures!IT"S NOT WORTH IT!!DON'T BE SCARED TO SAY NO!!!At the end of the day you need to be happy and comfortable:)
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