Sunday, December 28, 2008

5/25/06 I fear NOTHING do you?

Today I put together some more dots of this puzzle we call life!!So I must share (remember to leave ur comments under this blog on my page)!!

I do NOT fear ANYTHING!!!


Because I am secure in the promise given to me by my Maker. I have whole heartedly rest assurred in his word and believe it to be the TRUTH!!

Why do you worry?Why do you cry?Why do you care about that girl/guy you love so much and why they aren't treating you right?Or that girl/guy hating on you?Or that person who intimidates you at work?

Don't be deceived, it is a trick!!

It is nothing but fear trying to stall you from continuing on in your destiny!!

I know I will be granted the desires of my heart;therefore, I do not fear or worry!

Do you?

I love you,
Channing Andreya

5/23/06 What goes around comes around HARD

Okay, so I'm not going to name names b/c the world is too small but this is sooooooo crazy!!!

If there's one thing I learned it's not to seek revenge or have evil wishes towards anyone. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around!

It's crazy b/c a few years ago I dated this guy for over a year and everyone knew that was my main guy...that I liked him a lot and was just mush when it came to him like a 5 yr. old.

To make a long story short, a friend of mine who was close to me went under me and talked to him during the summer after, I found out and was so hurt I couldn't be mad.

One of my fav proverbs says when your enemies fall you will see it.

I never wanted this to happen to her but she went through some terrible, brutal things with the guy she loves and he did some things to her no man should do, and I found out.

I felt sorry for her but at the same time she planted that seed and has received her harvest.

WATCH what you do to others people, it will come back HARD!!!!

I tell ya cuz I love ya'

Love~Channing Andreya

5/22/06 To get you through...a few tips!!!

1.As long as you're going through something that means you will come out of it..hence "going through".

2.What is meant to be MAY be..contrary to popular belief your actions or lack thereof CAN and WILL stall what was meant to be if you allow it..

for ex. if you have a great voice and are called to sing, but can't stop drinking, become a junkie and die from throat cancer (which my uncle did) you controlled that....that was not your purpose or what was "meant to be" (BUT b/c of YOUR action..for every action there's a reaction) you never saw your dreams come into existence!!!!!

3.Don't wish to be/have what is anyone else's. You don't know what they went through to get there or what they had to do to get just see the glory and not the GORY!!

4.Never compare what!!Who cares what so and so is doing or so and so's car,house, clothes or boyfriend?!!

What was such an eyeopener to me was when 2 girls were fighting over a man and one said to the other.He was mine you stole him, that was suppossed to be my house, my kids" His wife said..."Fine take him and his AIDs he gave me!"

**Makes you think twice huh??**Bottomline, never compare or be distracted by others in your journey for what you have to do..stay focused and stay safe!!

In due season your harvest will come!!

Most of all if you read this let me know you did and what you think..I feel like I'm talking to myself again!!

Love all of you,Channing!!!!!!!

5/16/06 "Gone with the Wind"

What a great movie!!Really!!!It reminded me of a lot of my friends:)So selfish--hehe--sorry. Anyways, I was just writing b/c I have finally found out that you can have joy in the midst of a storm. Whether you're happy or sad, joy is something that stays--happiness comes and goes but joy is a gift that will never go away. I still have joy!!(The old school

Sooooooo, the thought for the day is to walk in your calling, and don't let fear cripple you--that's like a life motto--not only that but watch the people you listen to/take advice from--if they're not where you wanna be or headed where you wanna go--don't listen!!My favorite called me yesterday and told me (we were talkin about industry stuff), "Did you tell him your name was Channing Andreya?And that's what makes you you?"I thought wow!!Everyday I start to realize more and more who i am and when you know who you are everyone else knows it too...any way just a thought. I stand 6'3" in heels--I don't SLUMPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!Whooo whoo!!Sorry..I'm a little excited today!!

I LOVE YOU ALL............Channing Andreya

5/9/06 You make my eyes feel good...

I just got back home from going downtown with my friend and this guy comes up to me and asks me if I am a model then tells me I make his eyes feel good

And once again this simple statement prompted a deep thought--after the man left and my friend and I laughed another homeless man told us we looked beautiful and to tell our husbands or fiances they are blessed to have us as their women

It made me think---yes beauty can come in many forms but beauty on the inside shows and SHOULD be appreciated

If you're with a man who can not see your true beauty or only wants his eyes to feel good--leave!!You have so much to offer and as a woman who truly is a blessing to a man, you should be with a man that respects you and treats you like a queen at all times

Make no excuse for a man that is "yours" or that "loves you more than anything in the world" if he truly loves you he will acknowledge his blessing, understand what you need, and most of all be there for you--respecting you and loving you like he loves himself (valuable things don't get abandoned they are treasured--you know, like jewels?--And you're a jewel:)

Anyways ladies hold ya head!!Sorry this one was long but anyways--just another thought

I love you~Channing Andreya

5/2/06 Do you know who you are?

Okay so here's another deep thought of mine!!

Today I talked to two of my BEAUTIFUL friends and I found out we all have one thing in common--we have a heart!!

The advice I gave to one of my friends after hearing her cry (literally) about how nice people always come last was...

What goes around comes around and (after someone told her being a whore and having no feelings was the solution to her problems) everyone will get what they deserve at the end of the day

To every woman or man crying or hurting inside, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart---there is no reason for your tears--you did nothing wrong!You are precious and priceless and called to this Earth for a reason

Do you not realize who you are? (Look in the mirror!)Are you garbage?trash?NO!!You are a human being with a purpose!!!For someone to say they KNOW YOU is a gift:)BOTTOMLINE!!!!!!!

At the end of the day, everyone will get their payback

The thing is it's not the end of the long as you do no wrong YOU should not be the one cryin or worrying---

I love you~Channing Andreya

4/19/06 The way people are WHY??

Today and last night I came to realize that everyone goes through things in life that causes them to react in situations the way they do.

People, try to understand why people say the things they say and react the way they react before getting angry and judgemental

ask why.....everyone has come out of some situation in life or no situations at all..

no 2 people are alike regardless of the situation sit back and look at the BIG picture,then speak,the reason why people act in certain ways may make you ashamed of talking bad about them...

no matter what situation you're in, it could be worse---if you're reading this--you're blessed simply b/c you can read!!

Just another deep thought:)

I love all of you and I hope all is well with everyone

4/12/06 Modeling 101

My friends and I get a lot oif e-mails asking about how to get in. !st of all ask yourself why you want to model?Can you handle rejection?can you handle being away from loved ones and traveling a lot?Then comes research.What type of modeling do you want to do, what are the standards for the type you choose?

Next you need to understand that your body is your business-LITERALLY.How you look,dress,walk,talk-perfect that and get your image tight.After that look for photographers through sites like myspace, ask other models, use,, google them and ask if they offer tests.

After you get your pics you can also use the internet to find reputable agencies in your area-sites such as doing this you can either call and go to open calls or send in your pictures.

No matter what understand that just because you don't get at job right at the moment doesn't mean you aren't beautiful.Modeling is all about timing and fashion goes in cycles-an agency may reject you now but in 4 months you might be hot stuff!!So keep trying--that's just the basics!If you get that-you'll be okay.

AND LADIES do not sleep with photographers or let them molest you for pictures!IT"S NOT WORTH IT!!DON'T BE SCARED TO SAY NO!!!At the end of the day you need to be happy and comfortable:)

Over the next few days

I will be posting archive blogs from my myspace page in order to transfer all my blogs before shutting down my myspace.

Happy New Year!!

Friday, December 5, 2008


I know it's been a while I apologize I hate blogging from my new phone and am rarely on a computer, anyway jumping right to it!

I was speaking to a friend of mine today while starting a day of castings and we were having a convo about a friend of ours who happens to be doing VERY VERY well!

I told my friend, I didn't know he was doing it like that, he was just in college a few years ago. He replied, "yeah. but he focused on one thing and perfected that trade"

It made me think....are you saying you want to do something and doing everything possible to perfect what you're doing to get it all the way right and in a way no one else can? Or are you half doing and just talking?

Time to stop talking and start walking!

Work hard and your dreams will come true!!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nosebleed Section Please

One of my fave proverbs talks about how if you go to an event you should not act proud and take the best seat in the house. Instead, take the worst seat so that you can be promoted rather than thinking you're all that, take the best seat, and have to get up later to give your seat to someone of higher prestige.

It's hard in this day and life not to get sucked into selfishness and materialism. But try to keep things true to yourself and don't give in to what you know is wrong. It's cool to want and buy the finer things in life but don't become arrogant. Just as fast as you got it, you can lose it.

Don't have such a proud heart that you forget there are others hurting and there was a time when you needed someone.

Stay humble! Xoxo

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's Been a Long Time!

I have fallen so behind with my blog, my apologies. I've been busy busy and I don't like writing on my new phone!

When you make decisions, sometimes you will be faced with situations you may not know how to handle right off the bat. SO what do you do?

Weigh the pros and cons, play out the situation in every way possible (cause and effect of everything you do), and what seems right and best in your heart GO WITH IT!

Don't be afraid to fail and don't beat yourself up if you make the wrong choice, learn from your mistakes and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

Your life is yours, have no regrets and understand life is a learning process.

Keep your head held high!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Great Expectations

When you set your heart out on pursuing your goals, do you expect greatness? Or are you just doing something in hope that it will turn out great?

Keep your mind positive and full of expectation that things will work out. Negativity is NOT allowed in order to turn your vision into reality!

Put action behind the vision, work smart (and hard), remain focused and expect the best!

It will come!

Friday, October 17, 2008

To be used or not to be used......

There are times in life where you will encounter a certain type of friend.

She calls you only when she needs someone to do something for her, when she needs a place to stay, and when you call her she's never there. You only see her 2 or 3 times a year, but to the outside looking in you're best friends.

So what do you do? How do you cope when someone you were so close to just walks on you like a doormat?

Accept it!

Life is like a long haul international flight on a plane. Whoever starts with you in NY may not travel with you all the way to St. Tropez (lol). There will be layovers, friends will get off the plane and new people will get on.

So don't feel bad when someone who used to be oh so close is oh so far.

Enjoy the flight, embrace the new!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

For and not to.....

I've probably posted something similar to this earlier BUT I don't think I really applied it.....

There are some things you're not going to understand in life, and at times you're going to feel like everything is happening to you.

In relationships (sometimes) people will lie to you, steal from you, never talk to you and then ask for a "favor", betray you, manipulate you and flat out have your mind going in circles!

BUT if you can understand that all of this is happening for you and not TO you, you can have hope for tomorrow.

What do I mean by for you? I mean if all the above mentioned things do happen to you. Your coat of skin for life, which should be THICK, will become gator skin. And after a while you will finally see everything coming full circle AND the way you want it.

You'll appreciate the new things, new relationships, and the doors opening. But the only way that will happen is if you endure those hard times realizing the things you thought were happening TO you were really working FOR you.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Don't underestimate the things that can happen based on the words you speak.

Word becomes life and what you speak can alter your life forever.

The mouth is a powerful thing. Keep a positive mindset, positive thoughts and speak those things that be not as though they were!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Emotions'll Have You Broke!

My poison of the "one eyed devil" (what old people refer to the tv as) is Making the Band 4. Say what you want, but sometimes Diddy really does speak the truth about certain success related principles.

This past episode, when danity kane was bickering about what they didn't like about being in the group, he interrupted and said "emotions'll have you broke!"

"You'll be watching the MTV awards 10 years from now" sayin what could have been.....

Think about it (and I write this for my ladies but some men may relate), emotions move you to do certain things. I.e the word "motion" in emotion.

When you get angry, you react a certain way. When you're sad, happy, excited etc. but these "emotions" can be dangerous.

All too often us women let our emotions get in the way of handling business and actively , keyword ACTIVELY pursuing our goals.

Example, a woman is so in love and has all this business and opportunity coming her way BUT when her "man" calls on her or hurts her or wants to spend time with her....she drops everything. Just for a few days (she says), oh it's just a few weeks...and then before you know it a whole year has gone by and the opportunity is gone.

Meanwhile, that "man" got a call two days ago to help him further pursue his dream BUT he has to leave you in order to do it. He's packed and gone in less than a week! You gave him your time and sacrificed your dreams. So now what do you do?

I'm not knockin being in love BUT I am knockin letting love and the emotions that may come with it "knock you off your high horse"(distract and detur you).

Don't look back 10 years from now, 20 years sayin "man, I was so fine, I had such a good life and I let (fill in the blank) ruin me by taking over my thoughts!"

You decide what you think about and what you do. Not your emotions!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You're doubting and I'm decreeing!

You've heard the saying watch your mouth a thousand times...but do you really?

In modeling you have seasons, and sometimes a drought comes with the territory....I had been in a drought for a minute so my mind wasn't all the way confident.

I called my mom about this job I didn't know if I booked and she said girl! You're doubting and I'm decreeing, you better speak to your situation and believe!

The next day I got the call!

Believe in yourself and watch your mouth! Your words become life:)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Judge Not!

*another mobile blog*

A day in the life of the model side of Channing...wake up @ 6am, attempt 2 look fabulous, even if it is 40 degrees (because image is everything)!!

Catch the 7 am bus to take the 7:30am ferry to take the 8am train (NY term for subway) to be @ work @ 8:30 am sharp (todays work was fit modeling). In between sessions, I had a go see downtown w/45 min 2 get there and back (So clearly no time to stop 4 grub. No food=reyurrr).

Long story short I was rushed and hungry.....while getting pissed off waiting on the train (it was 11:30 I had 2 be back @ work @ 12, the train took 15 minutes to come!).

I noticed a blind man waiting on the train. He looked happy. He had his stick and was waiting patiently and while waiting he smiled in my direction.

Curious to see how he would get on, I manuevered my way through the waiting people to be sure I sat in his cart. He patted his stick against the train until he could feel where the door opened and went on.

When I got on, a few doors down, there was this woman who decided 2 put her little gift bag in a seat next 2 her where I wanted 2 sit.

Being pissed already b/c she took forever 2 move it, in my mind I was like u little witch!

Meanwhile, the blind man was standing in the way of the doors and before the next stop could come the little "witch" beside me got up. Being in snobby NY mode I thought "good more room for me".

She walked over 2 the blind man took his arm and asked him if he wanted 2 sit. She gingerly sat him down, he thanked her and then she left.

Of course I felt bad after that. I could hear in my head, judge not lest you be judged. All of the people on that train myself included knew he was blind and didn't help him sit. But the "witch" did...

Don't judge others and be grateful for every moment, and every ability you have we are blessed more than we know.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

what do you have to lose?

It's no secret I've been dealing with thoughts of death and how Americans live compared to foreigners (mentality wise).

In other countries, especially when I was in France they LIVE they don't SURVIVE. My bff is in Japan and she has been learning to live w/out the pressure and drama money in America brings.

As opposed to panicking and getting your panties in a bunch, LIVE!

Go out and pursue your hearts desires full force and don't give up!

I mean seriously, what do you have to lose? Time is passing, don't wait til your mid life for a crisis.

Just do it! You have nothing to lose and you're alive so the opportunity is there.

No matter what is happening on wall street or what the media says. You can still have peace and live instead of survive.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What attitude do you have?

Some of you may read my blogs and think why does this girl focus so heavily on what we think?

Because your thoughts are so powerful and when I write I share things that I am just learning and/or grasping.

Keeping a positive attitude is what I want to share today (and I'm blogging mobile again so forgive any typos).

No matter what is going on, no matter what happens to you good or bad. Its not what happens but how you react.

If you lose your job today do you curse everyone out or do you trust to find something better remaining positive and optimistic?

I realized in my own experience it is so easy to become bitter and hurt, instead of remaining positive and optimistic about accomplishing your goals.

So no matter what, choose to be positive and watch the results come out....POSITIVE!

Lol, love you all.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

a break from the norm.....

I'm blogging mobile for the 1st time right now. I'm currently @ work @ the Hip Hop Honors award show. De la soul is performing, there have been tons and tons of hip hop greats standing by and speaking to me all day BUT my mind is stuck on a call I received from a friend when I 1st got here

I've been dealing with death a lot the last 3 months, losing loved ones is hard BUT I have 2 blog about a silent killer.

My friend called to ask me to rend my speaking services for an engagement in Nov and April. Motivational speaking being my passion I said yes......the reason for the April one?

A young lady had hpv, had a baby and gave a form of lung cancer to the little girl and she died.....*blank stare*

3 of my 4 friends (beautiful and models/could be btw) have had hpv and have had the LEEP procedure performed.

HPV is so common right now I'm pretty much sure 85% of men are carriers

The thing is there is no test for men to know whether or not they have it. So what does this mean?

Get your annuals and be responsible. You can get hpv thru a condom and honestly every year some disease comes out that shows why its more and more worth it to wait to have sex.

I mean really, having a baby and the kid dying b/c of some punk...please! Be wise ladies,

Monday, September 29, 2008

Getting the call....

If your significant other called you and asked you to be ready in 3 wouldn't get ready right then BUT you would make preparations because you know they will soon arrive

Whatever you may be waiting for will come, but will you be ready??

No more time wasting, get ready!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Against hope, have hope!

Things get hard, everyday is not a good day. But each day is an opportunity. Being alive should be cherished

When you get discouraged sometimes you have to dig deep down and look at the big picture.

Before success, failure may be a part of your journey. But no matter what, even when the world shows you no hope, have hope.

Believe, if only a little bit, and keep working towards your goal

Monday, September 15, 2008


I know it's been a while since I've updated my blog. My apologies, I caught a bug in France and while having that I've been really busy, but nonetheless I will try to stay on top of Glimmering Hope.

What I wanted to touch on today is holding on and not giving up.

No matter how long you've been waiting, no matter how dark your days seem, hold on and don't give up.

It's only a matter of time before the dark season changes and your season begins.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Saying I love you and I care....

Today I found out one of the most beautiful women I know passed last night. I was heartbroken and was boo hooing and crying! My mom always taught me not to mourn too long as it does nothing to bring the person back but she does give us "30 minutes" to cry, get up and get over it!

As I was finishing sobbing I realized we should be in the habit of cherishing each day and telling the people we know and care about that we love them....

Don't take 1 minute for granted.....

***I will be on vacation until the end of the month, my b'day is next week and I'll be out of the country, will write again later!!****

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So I got a response on blog tears part 2 asking what keeps me so positive, and to make a SUPER long story short I will say it is from leading a life style that could have been self destructive, the death of people my age that I was super close 2.

I then began a process of changing, and understanding that my thoughts create my words, which create my actions which turn into habits.

More on that

Back to the topic, I had to comment about relationships....personally, everyone who knows me knows I DO NOT believe in boyfriends and girlfriends. Not so much the fact of being with someone but the title and the drama associated with it. I do believe in exclusive relationships and depending on where you are in life OPEN relationships...yeah I said it lol but I also said DEPENDS

Back to what I REFUSE TO DO tho....I refuse to invade a man's place b/c we are dating, snoop through his phone/bags/house/car, ask questions about other girls in his life, beg for ANYTHING, call excessively, ring the alarm(like Beyonce), and/or do any harm to him and set him up!

There comes a point when you have to be secure, secure in yourself, secure in what you have to offer, and realize (no matter how much you like the guy) that if he loves and respects you he won't do anything to jeopardize a future with you. As long as you keep your mind on that there's no need to act crazy! Insecurity and jealousy is rooted in fear and why be afraid of someone you're dating?

What goes around comes around, so just relax, stop stressing and enjoy/learn from your relationships.

It's never too late to start fresh!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

What will you tell your daughter?

As always, last night I was watching the Olympics and have been soaking up all the inspiration they give.

Derra Torres is a 41 year old woman who was seeking gold for swimming. At 41, she is old enough to be most of the girls' mom, she had a baby 2 years ago, but she didn't let that stop her. She worked hard, and with the best of the best training her. She went on to win a silver medal.

She lost by one 1 hundredth of a second!!! I was heart broken that she didn't get gold but when they asked her what she would tell her daughter about the race, she said "You don't have to put an age limit on your dreams"

There is no limit to what you can do, there is NO limit to how old you have to be to do something, and no matter what people say if you believe you can, YOU CAN!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Whatever you put your mind to....

So I've been watching the Olympics like everyday, and tonight was 1 of the BEST races. Phelps won by 1 1hundredth of a second.

I always love to hear how people said they accomplished their goals and one thing he said dealt with his mind. He said " I think it shows that whatever you put your mind to you really can accomplish" he went on to say " I stayed as positive as possible"..."and I just dream BIG".


All things are possible, the commentators earlier today said Phelp's 8th win would be impossible and "a miracle". The miracle business isn't dead!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

You need to ROCK this year ahead!

My friend gave me the cutest gift last December for my house warming in NY. It was a journal and the 1st thing it said was YOU NEED TO ROCK THIS YEAR AHEAD! She cut out a pic of my face, attached it to Rihanna's body and the quote beside it read "This rising star has her feet firmly planted"

I pulled this journal from my luggage today to do some "goal planning" and came up with a great idea that most people wouldn't think to do.

In business, companies do something called a SWOT highlights the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

All too often people don't think to do the same thing for themselves. Once you write down your goals and dreams, you should do an analysis to figure out where time, $ and energy has been wasted.

When you write things down and keep them where you can see them you will remain focused.

This way you won't make the same mistakes and your dreams and goals will come true a little easier!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Going for the gold!!

I've been watching the Olympics and the most exciting stories are those of the underdogs!

One thing I've taken away from what I've seen so far is that you must remain positive and never quit!

Raj, one of the guys on the USA gymnast team, said (about medalling and defeating the odds) "This is what happens when you never give up!"

Another breakout story was that of Boukpeti, a man who won the bronze for white water rafting and the 1st medal EVER for Togo. The commentators were speaking about him during the replays and said "He had to have visions of greatness in his head"

My words to you, drawn from this, is to NEVER GIVE UP and ALWAYS have visions of greatness in your mind when it comes to your dreams and your life!!

<3 Chan

Sunday, August 10, 2008

You must be really blessed....

I was at my 1st motivational speaking engagement last month and the young lady helping with the seminar was speaking to me about my life and how it seemed that some things were falling into place effortlessly.

She said you must be a really good person because you sure are getting blessed.

I thought about what she said and realized the blessings she was speaking of were simply me being kind to my neighbors and respecting people who society would look on as "low income" or "beneath standards". Those people who I view JUST LIKE ME, ended up helping me and being a major resource sent from THE SOURCE.

One thing I try to remember is to be nice to everyone because you never know when you could be hosting the prescence of an angel!

It's true:)

Be kind to everyone and see the gifts you receive in life.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Encouraging Words....

I've been doing this blog a few days now, and unlike my myspace blog. I have only like 2

For me a word of encouragement or just knowing someone read my blog keeps me going and yesterday I received that ( the comment on blog tears part2)

If you see someone on point, doing a good job or just being a good example period let them know it

You never know how far your words can go and how important your encouragement can be to them in their life

Send out positive energy and positive things will come back to you

Thanks anonymous for your comment encouraged me to write today:)


Thursday, August 7, 2008


Okay I remembered where I was going now...okay so this guy was my dream (I think I'm throwing up in my mouth right now for being mushy lol)

My point was...when you really love someone and you are honest in your relationship with them. And it ends for reasons that are beyond your control. LET THEM GO!

I loved him YES was IN LOVE too, but at the end of the day I had to realize I am a target with an aim. My aim was pre-destined before I got here and my feelings can't get in the way, and he can't get in the way and my EMOTIONS can't get in the way either. I had to CONTROL MYSELF and keep it movin...

Like T.I said "don't be a groupie, keep it movin" because honestly and again quoting T.I "you don't know me"

Why does he not know me and why may your ex or whatever not really know you?

Because if the person really realized how good you were and all the things you did behind the scenes (fasting for them, prayin, cookin, cleantin--sayin like Madea lol) they would still be there and if they aren't it's THEIR loss

You def shouldn't be the one crying! And I know it takes time to get over it so you got 30 minutes to cry it out, talk it out, write that person a letter if it makes you feel better and then GET OVER IT

Because time is precious and there is none to waste on someone who ain't thinkin bout you

Stay focused and watch your dreams come true;)

Blog tears (b/c I won't cry over this)

I had this guy I was with who was my DREAM GUY! I mean the 1st time I saw him I was so enamored I had to call my mom and tell her about this mystery guy who was SO FINE!

Lol, long story short he ended up being a DOG, played the hell out of me and then came back into my life years later as a new man with a refurbished spirit.

I don't believe in re-dos but because we were never officially together when we dated I restarted a friendship with him that eventually turned into a romantic, with a future, relationship.

At the beginning of the friendship I didn't really like him at all! But he grew on me...he respected me, he kept me uplifted and edified. He encouraged me to pursue my dreams, we were on the same page spiritually, and it seemed like FINALLY I could breathe and I was SECURE. Secure in myself and secure in the relationship

Long story short things started to get ROCKY and as with any relationship these are the tests and trials that make the foundation stronger.

In our case, due to a lack of communication and my lack of schedule @ the time(which kept me at home bored thinking of only him) tore a ridge in our fairytale and ultimately broke us up.

He didn't call, didn't text and didn't respond to anything....I got a random text from him after not talking for a few days and he apologized and said that there were heartbreaking things going on in his life that he didn't want to talk about

Being home alone AGAIN I started to wonder.....did he get a girl pregnant before me and just find out? Does he have AIDS? Is his career over due to injury? Is he broke? Does he have a terminal illness that will kill him? Does he have an STD?

And after pondering every terrible cause for him to retreat I asked myself if I would stand by him if any of those answers to my questions were YES and I realized I would....

if I knew he was going to die in 4 months I would still stay, if he had AIDS I would still marry him and if he was broke then I'd get another job to help..

That's when I realized I truly loved someone and it wasn't circumstantial, he was my happy place. No matter what type of drama was going on when I talked to him OR talked about him my mind would be at ease.....and I felt SAFE and relaxed

Idk why I wrote this or where I was going I'll finish later lol

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's Not About You!!

What are you thinking about right now?

What consumes the majority of your thoughts on a daily basis? Are you focused and on task? Are your thoughts in line with your goals?

Or are you distracted?

I read on a facebook friends' status that a man distracted is a man defeated.

When I thought about this, I realized it's true.

There comes a point in your life when you realize it's not all about you! It's about fulfilling your destiny and your purpose for being here

So stop dwelling on the past, stop thinkin about that guy/girl that you love that won't talk to you, stop fantasizing about someone else's life and FULFILL YOUR PURPOSE!!!!!

It's not that hard if you just try!

Love yall,

Monday, August 4, 2008

Stayin Alive!

So many people feel like there's nothing left for them to do..and that their life isn't worth a dime

But in the grave lies some of the most potential for greatness never achieved!

As long as you have a pulse and can breath there is something you can do!!

We are fortunate to be here and free to do what we dream!

Dream big and don't give up!!

You can do it!!


Personal Business

Usually when I write I try not to get too touchy but I feel this post may help someone out there missing someone or waiting on that significant other to come around.

My mom always told me to let go when it comes to relationships. Especially when it comes to guys who want to leave, cheat, act strange or just don't call at all.

A beautiful friend of mine has never had a bf and is still a virgin and couldn't understand why guys would play games...EVER!

I thought about this and what my mom taught me also and came to the conclusion that guys will only allow you to do what you let them.

Meaning, if you let him treat you like dirt, if you let him just use you for sex, and if you let him cheat/beat you IT WILL CONTINUE

Look in the mirror! Write down all the great qualities and things you have to offer. You deserve the best and don't let that no good guy consume your thoughts and ultimately DISTRACT YOU from fulfilling your destiny and seeing your dreams come true. If he did nothing wrong and it's meant to be he'll be back!

Everyone around you may seem to be in love and so happy, but things aren't always what they seem. You were made to fulfill your purpose and no one else's.

Stay positive and keep moving forward. Expect the best and it will come to you!


Sunday, August 3, 2008

I saw you in the future.....

"I saw you in the future and you look a lot better than you do now"

Sometimes things get really hard, and we have the tendency to cry, kick, wish and pray for things that, when it's all said and done we realize we just WANT instead of NEED. If you are PATIENT the RIGHT thing that will fulfill your dreams and be HELPFUL and BENEFICIAL will come along:)

The thing to realize is its ALREADY done and whether you let your obstacle stop you or not determines whether or not you get what your heart desires and what is right FOR YOU (not your friend, not your sister and not even that person you admire!)

The seeds you plant will create a harvest. If you keep working hard and doing your best, you'll have a crop of the BEST!!If you keep lying and being deceitful you'll have a whole crop of lies and deceit!!

Only you decide, but don't give up while doing due season, the harvest of greatness will come. And it'll BLOW YOUR MIND!!You'll come out brighter, better, wiser and much better looking!

Love you all,

P.S.-Don't be afraid to let go of who you were in order to become who you WILL BE! The storm is over now, the pain and tears are gone, success is on YOUR way!Speak it into your life, do the work as best you can and watch your words manifest!What starts on the inside will show on the outside!!!

Everything I’m not makes me everything I am!!

One thing I love about my hometown of Memphis is the confidence level of the women here no matter how they look they are BEAUTIFUL and you CAN NOT tell them otherwise.

ACCEPTANCE should be at the top of your list...mostly when I write I speak of how to look at others BUT look at your self and love EVERYTHING about you and know that what you have to offer should NEVER be compromised.

If there are things you don't like about yourself change them for the better BUT only for you and no one else!!

Sound selfish? No, nowadays too many people rely on the validation of others when if they'd just look in the mirror and realize who they are there would be no room for low self esteem, fear, hate, jealousy or insecurities!!

Love you all,

What’s your number?

It was January 7th and me hating the DMV like I do I waited until the last minute to get my licensed renewed in Memphis before returning to my new home in NY.
They gave me my number...69 it was about 1:30...

2:30 came around and I was still sitting there...3:30...4:00 here we go I hear people complaining groaning..everyone asking "What's your number?' "What's your number?"...I was in no rush, I knew my number would eventually be called so instead of moaning and complaining I remained calm and kept myself occupied.

All of a sudden here came numbers 60, 61, 62 all these people left, they got tired of waiting, they QUIT....63, 64, 65.

65 was there but the number's kept rolling and then it was MY TURN.

When things get hard and it seems like you've been waiting toooo long don't give up because you could be next up. If you leave you might miss what you'd been waiting for all along.

Your number WILL be called!

*Glad I waited*

Love you guys,

1st Post!!!

I am excited to write my 1st blog outside of myspace:) I generate over 12,000 readers on myspace and wanted to share some of my writings with the world outside of "the space". I hope you enjoy these posts and feel free to comment. Feedback keeps me going!!

About me, I am a model, realtor, motivational speaker and entrepreneur. I believe there are NO LIMITS! And with the proper education you can learn how to do anything and defeat all odds! The words I live by were given to me by a friend the other month, "Don't let anyone tell you you can't do something ".

**For my veteran readers from myspace I know the 1st posts you've already read I will do my best to post new things in the midst of switching blogs from myspace;)