Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nosebleed Section Please

One of my fave proverbs talks about how if you go to an event you should not act proud and take the best seat in the house. Instead, take the worst seat so that you can be promoted rather than thinking you're all that, take the best seat, and have to get up later to give your seat to someone of higher prestige.

It's hard in this day and life not to get sucked into selfishness and materialism. But try to keep things true to yourself and don't give in to what you know is wrong. It's cool to want and buy the finer things in life but don't become arrogant. Just as fast as you got it, you can lose it.

Don't have such a proud heart that you forget there are others hurting and there was a time when you needed someone.

Stay humble! Xoxo

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's Been a Long Time!

I have fallen so behind with my blog, my apologies. I've been busy busy and I don't like writing on my new phone!

When you make decisions, sometimes you will be faced with situations you may not know how to handle right off the bat. SO what do you do?

Weigh the pros and cons, play out the situation in every way possible (cause and effect of everything you do), and what seems right and best in your heart GO WITH IT!

Don't be afraid to fail and don't beat yourself up if you make the wrong choice, learn from your mistakes and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

Your life is yours, have no regrets and understand life is a learning process.

Keep your head held high!