Monday, December 28, 2009

808's and Heartbreaks? NO PAIN IS FOREVER!

Everyone goes through heart ache. Some more severe than others....

You may feel like you can't get out of bad, can't eat, can't sleep, but know NO PAIN IS FOREVER!!

Allow yourself the time to pout and cry but start to rebuild and meditate on a brighter day.

Before you know it you'll have pulled yourself out of that pit and be able to go on and later help someone else!!

Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

HEY! Just Relax.....

There are times when you'll feel like everyone has turned their back on you and people you once called friends may sell you out for others BUT don't dwell on negative things.

Focus your mind on positive thoughts, forget about the past and think positively about where you're headed.

If there was nothing left for you to do on Earth you'd be dead already. 

Dust yourself off, get up and get to work! 

Your destiny awaits you:)